If you see this message on Genie Timeline’s Dashboard, please press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard in order to open the Run dialog → Type services.msc and hit Enter → Refer to Genie Timeline Service → Restart.
If the problem persists, please contact our support team and send us the debug logs by doing the following:
- Create a new text file at the root of your ( C:\) drive.
If you cannot create it due to security reasons then create it in another location (Such as the Desktop) and copy/paste it to the root of the ( C:\)drive.
Please make sure that the file extensions are not hidden. This article may help you.
- Rename the new text file to GenieTimeLine with the extension .log
- Press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard in order to open the Run dialog → Type services.msc and hit Enter → Refer to Genie Timeline Service → Restart.
- Wait till the message Backup engine failed to load appears again.
- You’ll find one or more new files at the root of your ( C:\) drive named GenieTimeLine(#), gather them and attach them with your message.
Genie Timeline |