- You are not allowed to back up 4GB or more of data to a FAT32 File System. You may either:
- Split the data at 2GB from Where to Backup Options
- Convert your Drive System from FAT32 to NTFS
For more info:
You get this when backing u data that exceed 4GB to a FAT32 System. Fat 32 has in inherent limit to the maximum size of any file you load to a disk which is 4 GB.
FAT12 |
FAT16 |
FAT32 |
Limits |
Max File Size |
32 MB |
2GB |
4GB |
Max # of Files |
4,077 |
65,517 |
268,435,437 |
Max Filename Size |
8.3 or 255 characters when using LFNs |
Max Volume Size |
32MB |
4GB with some implementations |
2TB |
There are two ways to go around this:
- You can split the data so that the files do not exceed 4GB.
Please go to Where to Backup->Enable Multi-Drive Spanning->Use Fixed Split Size->2GB
- Convert the System Format from FAT32 to NTFS:
Standard Windows utility that is called CONVERT serves this purpose
Just go to the Start->Run->Cmd (Command Prompt) and execute the command:
C:\> CONVERT C: /fs:ntfs
Where C: is a name of the drive you want to convert.
After machine re-boot conversion process will start and you'll have your FAT32 converted to NTFS without data loss.
To check Drive File System:
- My Computer->Highlight the drive->Left hand pane->File System

- My Computer->Highlight the drive->Properties->File System